Primary education

Primary education

Kidshare is constructing primary schools in Uganda and Kenya, often in remote villages. For the children it is too far to walk to the nearest school. The universal declaration of human rights states that every child has the right to education. The population in Uganda is rapidly growing. There are too few schools. Kidshare wants to make primary education accessible to poor children. Every child should have the opportunity to develop him/herself.


In Uganda we work together with a partner organization that builds schools in villages where there is no school yet. Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world. The population is growing rapidly. The country has the second youngest population in the world. There are not enough schools. Only one third of primary school students pass their final exams. The quality of education is poor. Our partner Building Tomorrow works on improving that. They build complete primary schools with seven classrooms and a nursery section. With it, they also provide two staff rooms and six latrines. It is a complete school. The community is also involved: they provide a piece of land and voluntarily participate in the construction. When construction is finished, the government provides teachers and tables and chairs. Our partner also works actively to improve the quality of education. After construction, the school becomes an official public school in Uganda and the government continues to support the school. This way, our project is also sustainable.


In Kenya, the initiative to build a school lies with the population. In a village that has no school, this initiative is often taken by the parents. They build a few mud huts, the school starts and many children start to come to the school. Then there is need to construct a proper school building. When there are three to four brick-built classrooms, schools can receive an official permit, which means that the government will provide teachers and some small funds to run the school. Moreover, government funds will become available to finish the school. Kidshare supports the construction of these initial three or four classrooms. The villagers participate voluntarily in the construction. The parents ensure that the children receive a hot meal at school. In this – cooperative – way, we ensure that also children in remote villages can have access to education. In Kenya we build three or four classrooms. When these are finished, the school receives an official permit and becomes an official public school. It will then receive funds from the government to pay for teachers, teaching materials and the construction of more classrooms to complete the school. This way, our project is sustainable.

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